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This research explored how seven primary school teaching assistants (TAs) experienced their role in supporting children's mental health. Interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The participants believed that they supported children's mental health and particularly referenced the close relationships that they formed with children. Throughout their accounts of supporting children, the TAs referenced helpful factors (e.g. support from other staff) and challenges (e.g. hierarchy) within the school system. Supporting children’s mental health was an emotional experience for the TAs; they discussed the rewarding element, however, the topic also elicited fear. The findings provide several implications for school staff and external professionals about how TAs can be supported in their role. These include involving TAs in training opportunities, providing TAs with supervision, considering communication systems in schools, and introducing a mental health policy.  相似文献   
The study presents data drawn from semi-structured interviews with five young people permanently excluded from schools in North East England. The research aimed to investigate the risk factors that lead to the children using illegal drugs, to determine the drivers and implications for drug misuse and the carrying of knives into school. The research also hoped to elicit from the young people, the solutions that could have prevented their exclusion from school. The interviews were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis to understand how a homogenous sample made sense of their lived experiences. The findings highlight the importance of prompt identification and support for children with learning and subsequent mental health needs as the evidence suggests they lead to perceived negative behaviours by teachers. The research provides further evidence that behaviour sanctions in mainstream schools such as detention and isolation booths do not improve behaviour but make it worse. Original to this research is the finding that children are consuming drugs before school to cope with their inability to access the learning, to aid their concentration and to medicate themselves to reduce the likelihood of being sanctioned by teachers.  相似文献   
侯爽 《体育科研》2019,(3):30-37
“体教结合”是解决当前我国竞技体育发展问题的重要途径和举措。传统的体育后备人才培养模式只重视专项体育技能的发展而忽视了文化教育的重要性,不利于个体的全面发展。“体教结合”更重视人的全面发展,体育与教育的融合,使得竞技体育人才逐渐从运动员这一单一角色向“学生-运动员”双重角色转变。研究以角色认同为切入口,探讨上海“体教结合”举措下,角色的转变对体育竞技后备人才的影响。选取上海体育学院中国乒乓球学院少年班学员作为“学生-运动员”样本,选取国家乒乓球青年队及部分省市队队员作为职业运动员样本,使用结构化心理测量工具,对比两类受访者在运动与学业上的角色认同、心理倦怠与动机变量的差异。得出:在上海“体教结合”举措下,竞技体育后备人才认同“学生-运动员”双重角色,他们在学业任务中的卷入程度更高;双重角色使运动员在运动任务与学业任务上的主观价值感存在差异,表现出双重角色之间的冲突,但对个体的整体人生规划并不冲突;双重角色之间的转化,对于“学生-运动员”的心理健康存在促进效应。  相似文献   
加快体育强国建设已成为一项国策,研究如何提高和建设可持续发展性的体育产业经济以解决人民日益增长的美好体育生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾对建设体育强国具有重要意义。采用哲学辩证理论分析体育产业经济对体育强国构建的重要性,统计分析目前我国体育产业经济发展现状及其与发达国家的差距,结合十九大新时代背景下给出未来体育产业经济发展策略以期寻求为构建体育强国给出一些指导意见。认为:体育经济是体育强国的重要基石;开展全民健身运动、优化体育产业结构、政府政策导向市场化、跨产业融合增加与其他产业的结合度对构建体育强国具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
Nostalgia and homesickness were well-known eighteenth-century ailments. Undertaking protracted travels, Grand Tourists were potential sufferers, yet these emotional afflictions are absent from the Tour's lengthy lists of hazards. Querying this and applying history of emotions approaches to the histories of the Tour, masculinity and the family, this article examines how Tourists and tutors navigated nostalgia and homesickness as emotions that sat uneasily with the Tour's wider aims of masculine formation. Such investigations offer a means of unpicking the complex, contradictory demands placed on young gentlemen during their emotional formation. Through this, it contributes to wider reconsiderations of eighteenth-century masculinity.  相似文献   
Montem, a triennial customary march by Eton scholars, consolidated into a public expression of patrician social identity under the patronage of the monarchy in the late eighteenth century. This analysis of Montem’s history traces its development from a boy-led pageant of misrule to a public performance of elite patriotism. The custom, which attracted national attention, sheds new light on boy governance and self-fashioning in the period’s elite schools. This article argues that a study of Montem disrupts the standard historiographical narrative of anarchy and violence in the great schools and suggests that boy culture was more complex than previously acknowledged.  相似文献   
张坊岩溶地貌是中国北方岩溶类型的典型代表。分析张坊地区的地层展布与构造变形,探讨地层-构造演化与岩溶发育的关系。研究区主要出露近水平的中上元古界碳酸盐岩夹细碎屑岩和硅质岩,主要经历印支期(或更早期)伸展状态下的固态流变变形、燕山期的逆冲-褶皱变形和房山岩体期后的伸展变形等多期次构造演化,造就了研究区复杂的褶皱、断裂、构造裂隙和岩溶地貌特征。大型溶洞的发育主要与中上元古界的岩性-地层展布、中生代的逆冲断裂和新生代的伸展断裂等地质作用有关。在多阶段沉积-变形等地质作用控制下,发育了中元古代、古生代、中生代和新生代4期古岩溶,形成构造抬升侵蚀溶蚀、构造反转溶蚀冲蚀和多次抬升溶蚀侵蚀等3种主要溶洞发育类型。  相似文献   
运用文献资料等研究方法,基于"契机-轨迹"理论,对中美建交40年来体育文化交流情况进行了回顾和梳理,分析了外交政策导向下中美体育文化交流"契机"的形成和"轨迹"的发展,解读中美建交的历史背景和体育文化交流的特征与价值。认为:在"和平与发展""构建开放合作和谐社会""新时代构建新型国际关系"外交政策的影响下,中美体育文化交流具有体育文化财富的共享性、体育竞技的对等性、体育文化交流的公共性特征;中美体育文化交流促进中美建交,促进中美和平发展;改变世界格局,获得话语权;树立国家形象,展示大国责任;深化体育改革,促进社会发展。  相似文献   

The basic aim of this paper is to discuss the concept ‘Knowledge Democracy’ (KD) and what it can mean in the school context, its implications on knowledge production and dissemination and on the educational practices. We try to enrich this discussion by presenting action research projects to provide case studies of how thinking about KD can reshape educational practice. We consider that the discussion on KD has to be enriched as the concept seems very promising with good prospects towards school’s democratization. On the other hand, as it is quite new, it can encompass internal contradictions that can cause problems at the level of practice. So, we consider very important any contribution to this discussion not as another theoretical sample of the debate on the ‘politics of knowledge’, but because any improvement at the thinking of the issue can be reflected on school practices. Any challenge to traditional politics of knowledge can lead to a deeper understanding of the world of schooling and to transformations through new discourses and new approaches to teaching and learning in school.  相似文献   
运用文献资料等方法,以乡村振兴战略为背景,以20字总要求为切入点,在解析乡村振兴与体育发展内在关联后,提出新时代我国农村体育发展基本方向与路径。研究认为:实施乡村振兴战略能加快乡村体育的现代化、生活化与产业化节奏,提升乡村体育参与人口增量式发展步伐,实现城乡体育设施一体化布局;发展农村体育事业可优化农村产业结构,提高居民消费水平,刺激乡村经济增长,影响居民生活方式,提升生活质量指数,促进社会群体交流,推动乡风文明建设,提升居民综合素养。建议:乡村振兴战略下农村体育走产业发展方向与产业化路径;生态环保方向走绿色低碳发展路径;乡土民俗方向走文体融合发展路径;社会治理方向走公共服务治理路径;体娱生活方向走健身康体发展路径。  相似文献   
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